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Monday, July 9, 2012

A dream in a dream in a dream

Last weekend I watched the overall hyped Inception, a film by Christopher Nolan with Leonardo Di Caprio, Ellen Page and Joseph Gorden-Levitt playing the leading roles. Since every opinion I had heard about it was raving, it was about time to see it for myself.

This gist of the film is that there are people who can get information out of you by entering your dreams. In this dream state they get in contact with your subconscious, making it reveal all your secrets. But in the film, this is not enough anymore and they have to go even further by placing an idea in someone's head, which is called inception. To do this, they have to create dreams within dreams, which makes it more difficult to get out alive.
The film starts off at a racing speed, making it hard to know what is going on and to get to know the characters. But as soon as you know who's who, everything starts to fall into place. The main characters are the 'bad guys', but you still have an emotional connection to them, hoping they will succeed in planting an idea in someone's head, changing that persons whole existance and making it out alive.

I must say Leonardo DiCaprio really surprised me. I've never really been a fan of his, but in this film he was really good and to be honest he looked quite handsome as well. Ellen page still needs to convince me in some way. her performance was okay, but not exceptional. I hope to see her in more challenging roles. But then there's Joseph Gorden-Levitt. I haven't seen him act in many films before, apart from 500 days of summer, a film I really liked. He always seems to have a childlike innocence over him yet in this role, he was also very composed and manly. He played his role very convincingly.

To me, the idea of people stealing your secrets in your dream let alone placing an idea in your head while you are asleep, is interesting yet scary at the same time. It is very cunning, trying to take advantage of people in such a fragile state to encover all their deepest and darkest secrets. But films like this always make me wonder whether one day, it would be possible in real life. Or maybe today already?

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